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Walk and Roll to School Days is a great way to encourage the school community to use active transportation to get to and from school by walking or biking on designated days throughout the school year. Walking and Rolling to school is not only FUN, but can help students increases physical activity, learn safe bicycling and pedestrian skills, build confidence, foster relationships, and arrive to school alert, focused and ready to learn. More students and families walking and biking to school supports a school districts efforts in creating a cleaner school environment by reducing vehicle emissions, and safe, walkable neighborhoods that encourage the development of positive life long habits. Feel free to use the resources below to develop and promote your on going Walk and Roll to School program.

Getting Started

 1. Identify a SRTS Champion at your school to oversee the program. This could be a teacher, other school staff, parent, PTO/PCO member or other volunteer. 


2.  If you already have an identified person as the SRTS Champion they will need to:


  • Contact the Toledo SRTS Coordinator

  • Recruit volunteers

  • Promote the Weekly Walk and Roll to School Program

  • Set up a Welcome table


Toledo SRTS Coordinator

Jenny Hansen


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It is very important review the Walk and Roll Wednesday Tool-Kit. Following the directions of this guide will help in the planning and implementation of your program.


Click the image below to download the tool-kit.



W & R Logo PDF


W & R Logo jpeg. large


W & R Logo jpeg. small


W & R Tool Kit PDF


Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet PDF


W & R Good For the Earth Classroom Poster PDF


W & R Poster PDF


Donation Request Letter


WLS W & R Kick-Off Flyer PDF



WLS W & R Kick off Flyer jpeg.




Walk and Roll Weds. Flyer.jpg
Parents and Kids
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Visit our Parents and Kids Resource page for information, activities, and other resources to learn about safe walking and biking to school practices. 

Click on the image below to watch our "WALK SAFE IN TOLEDO" Starring local students.

video cast.jpg
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